First Name
Last Name
I understand that while First Mile supported candidates are represented statewide, the majority of First Mile donors reside in King County. If selected for support, I agree to receive contributions from First Mile donors, which may primarily come from individuals located in King County.
Yes, I consent to receiving any amount of First Mile donations if selected.
I consent to receiving some First Mile donations, but would like to limit the amount provided to my campaign.
No, I do not consent to receiving First Mile donations if selected.
What is your race/ethnicity?
Are you an immigrant or in the diaspora?
What is your gender identity?
Do you identify as LGBTQIA2s+?
Are you a union member? If yes, please indicate which union.
What office and position/seat are you running for?
Please select which statement best applies to you:
I am a first-time candidate who has never run for office before.
I have run for office before, but did not win my race and have never served in an elected position.
I am running for this office for the first time, but have served in a different elected position prior.
I am the incumbent of this elected position.
Are you doing full or mini reporting with the PDC?
Full reporting
Mini reporting
Email address of your campaign treasurer (or whoever should be notified of donations):
Please provide a short biography highlighting your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. Please include lived experiences that drive you in addition to professional.
If selected for First Mile support, this bio will be provided to Circle donors.
Please list up to 10 endorsements from progressive organizations and labor unions.
You may also link to an endorsements page on your website instead.
What are 3 specific sources (could be specific media, research, people, organizations, etc.) you turn to for information on current events?
Why are you seeking elected office? What do you hope to accomplish if elected?
How would you organize your colleagues to support a policy that your constituents support, but colleagues aren’t prioritizing?
How much money do you need to fundraise in total to win your campaign?
Will you be engaging in direct voter contact during your campaign?
Taxes: Washington state continues to have one of the most regressive tax codes in the country. Our organizations helped pass the capital gains tax to begin addressing that problem, but there is still a lot to do. What specifically can you commit to doing to advocate for progressive revenue in your elected position?
Select all that apply.
Testifying in support of progressive revenue legislation at the state legislature.
Authoring op-eds and letters to the editor in local media calling on the state legislature to pass progressive revenue policies.
Hosting a town hall to discuss how our regressive tax code is affecting the local community and what the state legislature can do about it.
Introducing a resolution endorsing a Wealth Tax, increasing Estate Tax, and other progressive revenue options.
None of the above
Housing: Washington is in the midst of a housing affordability and displacement crisis that is disproportionately impacting BIPOC and low-income communities across the state. Our organizations believe that without immediate policy intervention, the COVID-19 pandemic has created the conditions for gentrification* to create deep harm and accelerated rates of displacement in BIPOC and low-income communities across the state. Why do you think we are in a housing affordability and homelessness crisis? What policies and strategies would you advance as an elected official to address these compounding crises and support the creation of affordable housing in your jurisdiction? What does gentrification and displacement of low-income and BIPOC communities look like in your city or county, and how do you propose to help these communities to stay in place?
Public Safety: In 2023 police killed more than 1,300 people nationwide - the deadliest year on record in over a decade, not to mention injuries as a result of police violence. Many of these are a result of escalations where armed police officers are present. Some of the solutions our organizations have advocated for include civilizing traffic enforcement much like how parking enforcement is civilized, and diverting 911 calls* that don't require an armed response to be handled by unarmed crisis responders. Tell us if you support these policies, how you would advance them in your community, and what your approach to addressing root causes of this issue, early prevention programs, and public safety in general would be if elected?
Immigration: Will you commit to governing alongside OneAmerica Votes and immigrant rights advocacy groups in our coalition to champion pro-immigrant legislation and budget asks and oppose anti-immigrant legislation if elected?
Unsure, but willing to better understand what we are fighting for/against
Democracy & Voting Access: We believe in a high-participation democracy that is reflective and responsive of the public. But low voter turnout and large disparities remain persistent problems. Our organizations have helped pass and enforce the Washington Voting Rights Act, moved some county elections to even years to increase turnout in those races, passed ranked-choice voting in Seattle to give voters more voice, and advocated for proportional representation to ensure that the share of seats in an election is proportional to the share of votes. Tell us about how familiar you are with these reforms, how you would go about learning more from our organizations, and what other ideas or approaches to democracy reform you have?
Environment: A transition away from an extractive, fossil fuel based economy towards a human-centered, renewable energy powered economy is required for humanity to survive climate change. As our region continues to adapt to both a rapidly growing population and climate change, BIPOC and low-income communities who are most impacted must be at the table leading policy creation because we have the lived, traditional, cultural, and academic expertise and political will crucial to crafting solutions that keep fossil fuels in the ground and transforming our extractive economy into a regenerative one. Our organizations believe that racial and economic justice are fundamental to addressing climate change and achieving a Just Transition*. If elected, what strategies and policies are you committed to advancing to combat climate change and achieve a just transition? How do you see the role of the position you are seeking relating to these issues?
Education: First Mile Partners are advocates for a fully funded Pre-k through 12 public education system that celebrates and meets the needs of our multilingual student and parent population in WA State, invests in care rather than discipline for our students, and teaches a multi-culturally relevant curriculum. In your elected position, how would you support these values becoming real in WA’s public education system? Additionally, are you in support of universal childcare for all regardless of immigration status and economic ability?
Labor: Do you support the right of workers to unionize? Share about a time you supported workers rights in either your personal or professional life.
LGBTQ+ Justice: In 2023 a new record was set in the US for the number of anti-LGBTQ bills introduced in state legislatures. It's critical that Washington State sets an example and leads the nation in supporting and defending the rights of our LGBTQIA2s+ communities. Do you agree to support and defend the rights of LGBTQIA2s+ Washingtonians, especially within Black, Indigenous, people of color, trans, and youth communities? This includes championing and defending any attacks against the community's right to gender affirming care, equal rights under the law and unfair treatment, protection from abuse and targeting from police. How would you be a champion for policies like these and others that uplift LGBTQIA2s+ communities?
Reproductive Justice: Access to reproductive care is critical to a thriving and just state. While Washington leads the nation in some aspects of reproductive care, we lag behind in others. For example, our abortion care is threatened by health systems with restrictive policies which reduce access to healthcare. What is your position on this issue?
As a community leader and/or candidate, what specific actions have you taken to mentor or otherwise elevate the leadership of BIPOC emerging leaders? How will you continue that work in the future as an elected official?
Have you ever been publicly or privately accused of any acts of violence, abuse, harassment, or of discrimination of someone based on characteristics such as ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, or citizenship status? If yes, please provide details about the accusation.
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your campaign?