First Mile Candidates
102 First Mile Circle members. $375,250 donated to 43 candidates of color across 12 unique counties. 19 powerful leaders elected.
In 2023 we supported more First Mile candidates than any single year prior – a total of 43 candidates of color supported in 12 counties across the state. Ultimately, 19 of our candidates won their races. We couldn’t be more proud of everyone who worked so hard for these wins – the candidates, the campaign managers, the volunteers, and the families of people running who sacrificed so much during the campaign season. There is no doubt that the work we did together mattered deeply.
Wins included:
Building a government that looks like our communities.
Han Tran won her race for North Shore School Board. We first met and supported Han through First Mile when she ran for Bothell City Council in 2021. We were thrilled when she decided to stay on the path of public service and announced her decision to run for office again in 2023, winning her seat by 12.87%.
Angie Nuevacamina won her race for the Redmond City Council, defeating a 14-year conservative incumbent! Angie led her opponent by an impressive 7.6%. In a moment where Redmond is experiencing continued growth and making decisions about how to plan and accommodate residents of all income levels, we are thrilled to see Angie step into this role as an experienced leader who previously served on the Redmond Planning Commission.
Maggie Sanders won her highly competitive Port of Olympia race by less than 1%, with Jasmine Vasavada winning her Olympia Port Commissioner seat as well.
In city council races across the state, First Mile candidates won 11 of the 18 races competed in. Other races were lost by narrow margins, such as Manny Rodriguez for Quincy city council who lost by just 11 votes, demonstrating the competitiveness of these candidate’s runs.
First Mile is making a difference.
For candidates who won their races, First Mile donations made up between 2.6% to 49% of candidate’s budgets. We know that in small local races in particular, every dollar counts. First Mile’s support helps enable candidates to spend less time fundraising and more time talking to the people in their communities.
"The First Mile Circle has played a critical role in my campaign for King County Council. Because the council district I seek to serve is home to nearly 200,000 residents, reaching out to voters requires a high level of resources and it is daunting for me as a first-time candidate, and as someone seeking to be the first person of color to represent this council district, to secure the financial support needed. First Mile was a crucial boost at the most opportune time and gives me a chance to compete effectively."
— Jorge Barón, candidate for King County Council
Angela Nuevacamina
Redmond City Councilmember
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: Y
Anna Saenz
Sunnyside School Board Director, Pos. 4 candidate
Supported in Primary
Elected: N
Aurora Flores
Manson School Board Director, Pos. 2 candidate
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: N
Betsy Wilkerson
Spokane City Council President
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: Y
Cadine Ferguson-Brown
Mason County Superior Court Judge candidate
Supported in General
Elected: N
Carlos Ruiz
Highline School Board Director, Pos. 4 candidate
Supported in General
Elected: N
Charles Adkins
Everett SD002 School Board Director
Supported in General
Elected: Y
Cristina Martinez
Mercer Island SD400 School Board Director
Supported in General
Elected: Y
David Edwards
Woodinville City Councilmember, Pos. 2
Supported in Primary
Elected: Y
Davida Haygood
Puyallup SD3 School Board Director, Pos. 5 candidate
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: N
Demi Chatters
Everett City Council, Pos. 6 candidate
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: N
Dontae Payne
Mayor of Olympia
Supported in Primary
Elected: Y
Dulce Gutierrez
Yakima City Council, Pos. 1 candidate
Supported in Primary
Elected: N
Erica Conway
Renton City Council candidate
Supported in General
Elected: N
Esteban Herevia
Spokane City Council, Dist. 3, Pos. 1 candidate
Supported in Primary
Did not pass the primary
Han Tran
Northshore School Board Director, Dist. 3
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: Y
Jaime Stacy
Mead SD354 School Board Director candidate
Supported in General
Elected: N
James Lovell
SeaTac City Councilmember, Pos. 5
Supported in General
Elected: Y
Jamika Scott
Tacoma City Councilmember, Pos. 3
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: Y
Jasmine Vasavada
Port of Olympia Commissioner, Dist. 1
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: Y
Jorge Barón
King County Councilmember, Dist. 4
Supported in Primary
Elected: Y
Judith Martinez
Everett City Council, Pos. 7 candidate
Supported in General
Elected: N
Katherine Festa
Federal Way City Council, Pos. 5 candidate
Supported in General
Elected: N
Linda Hale
Yelm School Board Director, Dist. 5 candidate
Supported in Primary
Did not pass the primary
Lucy Madrigal
Mt. Vernon City Council candidate
Supported in General
Elected: N
Maggie Sanders
Port of Olympia Commissioner, Dist. 4
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: Y
Manny Rodriguez
Quincy City Council, Pos. 6 candidate
Supported in General
Elected: N
Maria Flores
Olympia SD111 School Board Director
Supported in General
Elected: Y
Maria Iñiguez
Wenatchee School Board Director, Pos. 2
Supported in Primary
Elected: Y
Mary Anderson
Snohomish County Superior Court Judge, Pos. 17 candidate
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: N
Maya Morales
Bellingham City Council, Pos. 7 candidate
Supported in Primary
Did not pass primary
Michelle Gipson
North Thurston County School Board Director
Supported in General
Elected: Y
Natasha Fecteau-Minger
North Kitsap SD400 School Board Director, Dist. 2 candidate
Supported in General
Elected: N
Olgy Diaz
Tacoma City Councilmember, Pos. 7
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: Y
Rosa Torres
Pasco School Board Director, Pos. 1 candidate
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: N
Sandra Zesati
Sunnyside School Board Director, Pos. 5 candidate
Supported in General
Elected: N
Shellie Willis
Puyallup City Council, At-Large candidate
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: N
Soneya Lund
Yakima City Council, Pos. 5 candidate
Supported in General
Elected: N
Stephanie Tidholm
Highline School Board Director, Dist. 1
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: Y
Talauna Reed
Olympia SD111 School Board Director candidate
Supported in Primary
Elected: N
Teresa Mosqueda
King County Councilmember, Dist. 8
Supported in Primary & General
Elected: Y
Toni Jefferson
Ferndale SD502 School Board Director, Dist. 3 candidate
Supported in General
Elected: N
Vicky Frausto
Sunnyside City Councilmember, Pos. 3
Supported in General
Elected: Y
First Mile's community partners develop a slate of recommended candidates for support annually by First Mile Circle members based on the information provided by candidates or otherwise made publicly available during the course of their campaigns. First Mile partners do their best due diligence to ensure candidates hold progressive values. First Mile is not responsible for and does not endorse, guarantee, or warrant any views, opinions, or actions of candidates or elected officials who have received First Mile support. First Mile may remove candidates from the site if, in our sole discretion, we find that pertinent information was withheld during the vetting process.